Considering Your Home Care Options
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Growing old is a natural way of life. You can't fight it, you can't hide it (for long anyway!) and you most certainly can't escape it. To a majority growing old also means care centres.
The biggest 'growing old' fear of people is that they won't be able to take care of themselves and will need to depend on their children. The very next fear is that once their health deteriorates or they become too big a burden, their children will put them in care centres for the elderly.
Care centres are not the only option though. There are home care centres where an attending is assigned to take care of an elder person daily in their own homes. This way they don't have to leave the comfort of their house or live with strangers.
One such service providing company is Adult Care Assistance. They are a home health care service that provides Alzheimer's care as well as live-in home care.
The option of having a place like Homecare Pheonix is certainly more appealing than care centres for the elderly. They cause less stress on older people and also gives their off spring a chance to spend quality time with them every day instead of going over to meet them every weekend.
Home Care Pheonix has a dedicated staff providing various care facilities. Apart from proving live-in facilities, Pheonix Homecare also offers the benefits of retirement community and hospital and rehab facility.
Posted bySamar Owais 0 comments
Do you take good care of your glasses?
Thursday, March 5, 2009
You know how people keep losing their keys or some other thing they can't seem to take care or keep track of? With me, it's glasses. I can't seem to take care of my sunglasses. Last year alone, I went through 6 pairs of them.
Glasses are my one item of purchase in every country I've been to in the past couple years. Be it Malaysia, UAE or Pakistan. And I'm pretty sure that I'll be buying them when I go to India next month. It's not a hobby. It most definitely isn't a craze. I just tend to lose them, misplace them or break them. I've already lost one of the two glasses I bought for myself in January.
Because I live in a desert land, sunglasses are a necessity more that a fashion statement. If you don't wear glasses here when you're out in the sun, you'll get the worst headache of your life and your eyes will burn for hours.
Call it the reason or an excuse, but I love browsing for glasses online. is one such example if you want to spend some time looking at the different kind of glasses that are available all over the world in different brands.
Posted bySamar Owais 0 comments