Profile: Arlene Kock

One of the most lucrative jobs, not considering the gruelling hours and cut throat competition in reaching the top, is that of a lawyer. But not every field of practicing law is as well paying. One of those are lawyers practicing family law. With the percentage of rates so high, a family law attorney is also the need of the society.

Arlene Kock is a family law attorney who is based out of California. Her law practice, apart from family law, also deals with plaintiff personal injury, general civil litigation, juvenile law and felony and misdemeanour criminal law.

Most people are not aware of their rights. Arlene Kock works hard to inform and educate people about their rights and the different options they have in any given legal situation related to family law.

Arlene Kock's family law practice handles all aspects of domestic partnerships such as divorce, marriage, child custody and child support etc.

Posted bySamar Owais  


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