Norman Steisel: A man who wears many hats
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Norman Steisel has worn many hats in his career. He has been a consultant, investment banker and Deputy Mayor of New York City.
He has held many executive positions through out his career. The most high profile of these have been: President and Founder of EnEssCo Strategies, Inc., Executive Vice President and Chief Operation Officer of Philadelphia Stock Exchange and Deputy Mayor of NYC.
Norman Steisel is known for his extensive experience in both, the public and private sector. His leadership and management skills are well known and he is considered a savvy, result oriented leader which makes him a successful candidate for whichever position he holds.
Prior to becoming the Deputy Mayor of NYC, Norman Steisel served as the Commissioner of Sanitation in NYC from 1979 - 1986. His Deputy Mayorship lasted four years from 1990-1994.